Congratulations to the writers selected for our first ever online journal Mind, Brain and Body. Thank you so much to everyone for your support so far; it's been a fantastic project to be a part of, involving so much innovative, inspiring work. The selected submissions will be published shortly, so watch this space!
Here are some particularly striking quotes from the chosen texts, to give an idea of the sort of work that will be showcased:
'They can't cure you
The mind has mountains
And yours are eroding away.'
- Nana Lethe, Sophie Hutchison
'Childhood memories were rewritten, edited, as though the truth was a draft to annotate and exaggerate.'
- Checked Out of Reality, Angharad Gray
'The full moon drawing
the beast out in the rut,
his horns scraped against
the barrier-
died trying to escape.
The deer's sable
eyes still watching
- Roadkill After a Divorce, Lucas Khan
'I think therefore I'm skin and bones.'
- Mannequin Desires, Molly Knox
'but there is a light behind my eyes
and I am transfixed by its glare,
so I can't sleep. I just can't sleep.'
- Moths, Lorna Burchell
'our eyes see, but are also
meant to be seen
dare to look.'
- Dare to Look, Rose Sall Sao